Sunday, March 16, 2025

Thursday, 18 December 2014


Ernan Network :" Hy Guys, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan khususnya tugas mata kuliah bahasa inggris. Artikel ini akan menyajikan contoh tugas Asking And Giving Direction, dimana yang saya posting ini adalah hasil kerja tugas saya sewaktu semester 1.
Langsung saja mari kita simak dialog dibawah ini :

ZUL : “ Good Morning !!!

ERWIN : “ Good Morning !!!

ZUL : “How are you bro?

ERWIN : “I’m fine thanks, and you?

ZUL : “I’m fine too

ERWIN : “Can I help you?

ZUL : “Of course

ERWIN : “What is that?

ZUL : “I want to ask for direction from here to state PNUP.

ERWIN : “Of course, from here you just go straight until you see ‘T’ junction and then you get turn right until you find ‘T’ junction again and you get turn left and you see Bentor basis.

ZUL : “After I find Bentor basis, which way I get?

ERWIN : “After you find Bentor basis you just get turn left in highway Urip Sumoharjo and then you go trought funeral.

ZUL : “After I past funeral, which way I get again?

ERWIN : “After that you just go straight until you past Hostel Army in your left and then you find Adipura Monumen.

ZUL : “So, in Adipura monument, I think there are 3 ways, which way I get?

ERWIN : “You just go straight and then go over the bridge, After that you go pass Ramayana market

ZUL : “Oh no, I can’t find Ramayana market, I just find STIMIK Dipanegara!

ERWIN : “No problem you just go straight until you see UNHAS University in your left and there is Traffic light.

ZUL : “Of course I see it. So what again?

ERWIN : “you just turn left in traffic light and then you go straight until you find round about.

ZUL : “Ok, But I think there are 2 ways in there. There is straight and left. So, which one I choose?

ERWIN : “You choose in your left side (turn left) and then you just go straight and go pass terminal. After that you will find state PNUP in your left. It is in front of Forestry Faculty of UNHAS University

ZUL : “OK , I know how to get state PNUP, Thanks for Direction.

ERWIN : "You’r welcome and be carefull bro.. and see you later.

Baca juga artikel lainnya disini

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